
EGZ Business Startup Center

Contact person:
Herr Hannes Schleeh
+49 841 9014100
schleehdo not copy and be happy@egzdot or no

Frau Chang-Hua Reichert
+49 841 9014110
reichertdo not copy and be happy@egzdot or no 

Marie-Curie-Str. 6, 85055 Ingolstadt


Company description:
The EGZ ist the first point of contact for Chinese companies who want to settle or found a branch in Bavaria. In addition to flexible office rooms and workshops, the EGZ offers allround service for Chinese investors. In the EGZ, the Chinese entrepreneurs can share attractive services such as postal services, parcel services, low-cost seminar rooms, copying centre and other necessary facilities on site. The financial support of the overall facility of the EGZ by the city of Ingolstadt, the districts and the government of Upper Bavaria permit reducing the rent for the first and most difficult years to a bearable scope.

Chinese language: yes